Explore Offerings
One-One Therapy
As a mental health professional, I help you approach your situation in a new way. I teach new skills and how to gain different perspectives, listen to you without judgment or expectations, and most importantly help you listen to yourself. One on one therapy is my main offering for clients.
Group Therapy
We are social creatures. We are hardwired to live in connection with other humans and when we are disconnected, we struggle. Connection is a deep authentic knowing of others and sharing of oneself. It’s imperative to our state of wellness. That is why there is so much power in a group setting where community, belonging, and authenticity are supported and encouraged. When we are seen, heard, and accepted, we can start to imagine a life with no limits.
The environments you put yourself in have a large impact on your well-being. Retreats offer time to get away from daily life (even if you love it) to offer space to connect with yourself, others, and new environments. This can inspire new perspectives, play, and healing.